JAKARTA - Leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab asked the masses who welcomed their arrival at his residence to return to their respective homes.

He said this from the top of the car using loudspeakers, in front of Jalan Petamburan III, before finally heading to his residence.

"I ask you, after I get off here, go home, I ask everyone here to go home in peace and safety," Rizieq said at the location, Tuesday, November 10.

Rizieq also invited the crowd to return to attend the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday at the same location on Saturday, November 14.

"God willing, on Saturday we will hold the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in this place. Ready to come? Takbir!" Rizieq said.

After the oration, Rizieq entered his house. One by one, the crowds welcoming Rizieq began to leave. Jalan KS Tubun has been reopened for vehicles. However, the traffic flow was still heavy.

For information, Rizieq Shihab officially arrived at his residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta at around 13:20 WIB today.

Before entering KS Tubun Street, the masses were lined up waiting for Rizieq to arrive. Some of them held their cellphones up high to record Rizieq's arrival. Some of them climbed onto the railing of the house to the bus stop.

Firecrackers exploded before Rizieq's arrival. The sound of singing selawat accompanied by tambourine music was blared. The Islamic Defenders Army (LPI) is preparing to form a line to open the road for the motorcade that Rizieq is carrying.

The crowd of supporters shouted to welcome Rizieq. They waved to Rizieq. From the top of the car, Rizieq was waving back in all directions. The son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, appeared beside Rizieq.

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