JAKARTA - Her name is Granny Kartiyem, 63 years old. So far, he has lived alone in his house. But that was then. Now everything has changed.

The grandmother who lives on Jalan Teluk Nibung Barat 8/37, North Perak, Cantian Customs, Surabaya City, East Java, is now receiving extra attention after living at Griya Werdha.

"Right now, Grandma Kartiyem has been treated and lives at the UPTD Griya Werdha, Jambangan. Yesterday (21/7) we sent her directly there," said the Head of Customs Cantian Sub-district, Muhammad Januar Riza in Surabaya, Friday, July 22, quoted from Antara.

Grandma Kartiyem's husband had died several years ago. Every day, Kartiyem lives alone at home, without any relatives or family.

In fact, since 3 years ago, Kartiyem was diagnosed by a doctor with a mild stroke.

With the age of more than half a century, Kartiyem is no longer able to work. Meanwhile, for her daily meals, the woman who was born in Kediri in 1959 got the attention of her neighbors.

This information reaches the Surabaya City Government. The Head of Pabean Cantian went directly to the field to check on the condition of Granny Kartiyem.

Rizal explained that previously his party had conducted data collection at Grandma Kartiyem's house. As a result, Granny Kartiyem does not have any relatives. Moreover, seeing his health condition, also requires extra care.

"So, we offered grandmother to live in Griya Werdha, because there is no one to take care of her, her family is also not there, sorry. Pak RT and RW also suggested that she could be treated there," he said.

By living at Griya Werdha, he said, Granny Kartiyem received extra attention and care regarding her health, considering her age.

"So that he can be more secure there, someone pays attention. Both in terms of housing, health, and eating," said Rizal.

Rizal said that Granny Kartiyem had received health assistance interventions from the government in the form of BPJS PBI and direct cash assistance (BLT) in 2021.

However, he said, because of his old age, of course there must be someone who takes care of him every day.

"When we recorded the data, his family didn't exist. So he lived alone. Grandma Kartiyem is also now a bit difficult to talk to," he said.

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