YOGYAKARTA - The Special Committee of the Yogyakarta City Council for monitoring the relocation of street vendors in Malioboro hopes that the local government will immediately follow up on the recommendations that have been submitted in mid-July.

"For the priority, of course, we hope that the recommendation points will lead to the welfare of the people, namely an increase in income for traders who have been relocated," said Fokki Ardianto, chairman of the Special Committee for Supervision of the Relocation of Malioboro Street Vendors in Yogyakarta.

On July 15, the Malioboro PKL Relocation Special Committee submitted a recommendation to the Yogyakarta City Government which contained at least 19 points which the local government had to follow up.

The Special Committee even makes a special note that if the local government does not follow up on the recommendations submitted, then the relocated street vendors (PKL) should be allowed to return to their original place of selling, which is along the pedestrian street along Malioboro.

"We hope that at least by the end of this year there will be realization of government policies and concrete actions in response to our recommendations," he said.

If we assume that the special committee will run for six months, then Fokki hopes that the local government will be able to follow up on the recommendations at the same time.

A number of recommendation points that lead to the aspect of increasing traders' income include providing assistance to street vendors who now occupy Malioboro Terrace 1 and Malioboro Terrace 2.

The Special Committee also recommended that the management of the Malioboro Terrace 2 be transferred from the Yogyakarta City Cultural Office to the Yogyakarta City Cooperative and SME Industry Office in line with the management carried out by the DIY Industry Office at Malioboro Terrace 1.

In addition, the special committee also recommends that a visitor lane be made so that the distribution of visitors on Malioboro Terrace 1 and 2 is even because currently there are still stalls that are considered deserted by visitors.

As for the wheelbarrow pushers, Fokki said that they have been facilitated to change professions as cleaners at Teras Malioboro 1 and 2.

However, he continued, there are still several elements in the Malioboro area that need to find a solution, such as street vendors who are scattered from data collection so that they do not get kiosks at the relocation location, as well as hawkers who are prohibited from selling and art actors to be given space to carry out activities that are a source of income. their income.

Previously, the Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta, Sumadi, said that he would study the recommendations submitted by the special committee as part of the input for handling street vendors in relocation sites.

“There are still some things that need to be improved. Of course this is input for the government. He also hopes that traders can sell more comfortably and to increase income, they need to be patient because they are currently still recovering from the pandemic," he said.

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