JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) is preparing a regulation that allows the Village Fund to be used for the rehabilitation of village halls. However, the use of the Village Fund for government infrastructure is only for independent villages. can already be used for government infrastructure development, such as rehabilitation of village halls, rehabilitation of village offices, but specifically for independent villages," said PDTT Mendes Abdul Halim Iskandar in an activity to greet the Village Head which was followed online in Jakarta, Friday, July 22. "Hopefully we can issue a policy soon that the Village Fund may be used for rehabilitation, but specifically for independent villages," said Gus Halim, as he is usually called. In 2022, he said, the number of villages with status There are only 6,238 independent villages, which is considered a small number compared to the total 74,961 villages in Indonesia.

On that occasion, the Mendes PDTT also said that his ministry would encourage local governments to give awards or rewards for villages whose status had risen to become independent villages. "That's in Pamekasan, later we will continue to consolidate the regents, I am only part of encouraging the regents to give rewards to villages that have entered independent status," he said. In the future, Mendes PDTT said his ministry would continue to strengthen communication to village heads so that every policy issued can be conveyed directly. "I want this communication to be built like this continuously, for example later after there are various policies or regulations from the Kemendes PDTT, I want to meet face to face with Mr. Mrs. all to convey various information the new organization directly to the village head," he said.

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