JAKARTA - The Advocacy Team for Handling Law and Justice (Appeared) met the chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Bambang Wuryanto, at the Nusantara I Building of the DPR, Parliamentary Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, July 22. Coordinator of the Law Enforcement & Justice Advocates Team (Appear) Roberth Keytimu, said that his visit to the DPR was to ask Commission III to urge the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo to immediately investigate the case of the death of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J completely.

"Today, we met with Commission III, wanting to convey that this DPR is a carrier of people's aspirations. Therefore, we ask the DPR, especially Commission III of the DPR, Pak Bambang to urge the National Police Chief and his staff to immediately reveal who the real perpetrators of the incident were," said Roberth at the Parliament Complex. , Friday, July 22.

"We have also been to Komnas HAM because this sadistic murder that was preceded by a violation of persecution is a violation of human rights," he continued.

Roberth said that the public continued to press for the completion of the tragedy of Brigadier J's death because the handling of this case seemed slow and seemed to be hiding something. On the other hand, he said, the death of Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat was very sadistic and horrific, because there were many injuries from unnatural abuse.

"The National Police Chief and the police must resolve this case to determine the suspect. This is very important for law enforcement to obtain justice for the victim's family and the community," said Roberth.

Regarding this case, he continued, the National Police Chief has formed a Special Team to investigate and has disabled 3 police officers. They are the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, the Head of the Internal Security Bureau (Karo Paminal) of the Professional and Security Division (Divpropam) of the National Police Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, and the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto.

According to him, the deactivation of the 3 Polri officers deserves appreciation in order to facilitate the legal process in handling the case of Brigadier J's death. Because, said Roberth, the 3 Polri officers are suspected to have something to do with the death of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat.

"The relationship with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is because Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat was an aide to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, and Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat died at Ferdy Sambo's official residence," said Roberth.

"Also his relationship with Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan for prohibiting the family from opening the coffin, while his relationship with Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto in connection with the release that was delivered on July 11, 2022 about the death of Brigadier Joshua, where the release was full of irregularities," he continued.

Therefore, Roberth stated, Tampak, which is a collection of lawyers, will continue to oversee this case until it is complete until the suspect is revealed.

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