W Sumatra - The West Pasaman District Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) has detained two suspects in a corruption case involving the mega-project construction of the local Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the 2018-2020 budget year with a ceiling of more than Rp. 134 billion.

"The loss (to the state) as a result of their actions reached more than Rp. 20 billion according to the calculation of the team of experts who examined the physical work of the project," said Head of the West Pasaman District Attorney's Office, Ginanjar Cahya Permana at Simpang Empat, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Friday, July 22.

According to him, the two suspects are the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for the activities of the RSUD initials NI and a third party or company liaison with the winner of the initial HHM.

He explained that the case was revealed from the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the construction of the West Pasaman Hospital which was not in accordance with the plan and budget ceiling.

Based on that, the prosecutor's investigator conducted an investigation and investigation, including the physical construction of the hospital.

He said that on Friday, July 22, investigators summoned four witnesses, namely the budget user with the initials Y, the Director of Construction Management with the initials MY, the third party (liaison) with the initials HHM, and the PPK with the initials NI. At the time of the summons, two people were present, namely HHM and NI.

After being examined and found evidence, namely witness statements, experts, instructions and statements from the suspect, HHM and NI were named suspects and detained.

His party also used technical experts and 2 days ago gave the results of state losses due to lack of volume of Rp 20,135,806,257 from the contract value of 134, 859,961,000 which was carried out by PT MAM Energindo.

"The two suspects are currently being held at the West Pasaman Police detention house for 20 days before being transferred to the Tipikor District Court," he said.

In addition, his party has also appointed the Director of PT MAM Energiindo with the initials AA, who is currently being detained at the KPK in another case.

"It is possible that there are other suspects in this case because this case is a mega-project case and involves many parties. We will continue to pursue and express firmly against suspects who are threatened with Article 2 of the Anti-Corruption Law with a minimum threat of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years. They are also threatened with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law," he said.

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