Assisted By TNI, Police Raid 4 Fish Shooting Gambling Locations In Asahan, North Sumatra
The location of the fish shooting gambling that was raided/DOK of the Asahan Police

MEDAN - The Asahan Police Criminal Investigation Unit team with Kodim 0208 Asahan raided four locations suspected of being used as agility gambling sites or commonly known as fish shooting gambling.

Asahan Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP M Said Husein said the raid was carried out based on public reports about the prevalence of fish shooting agility gambling.

"There are four different locations that have been taken, including Binjai Serbangan, Jalan Skrap Lingkugan II, Jalan Lumba Lumba," said AKP M Said Husein, quoted from a written statement Thursday, July 21.

From the results of the raid, 10 people were arrested by the team. In details, 5 people serve as chip holders or bet money and 5 other people as gambling players.

"Evidence was secured in the form of 7 (seven) fish game/game zone agility tables, IDR 6,524,000 in cash and six chips," he said.

For further examination, the perpetrators together with evidence were taken to the Asahan Police Headquarters.

"We thank the public who have reported to the officers about the prevalence of fish game agility gambling in Asahan," he concluded.

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