MATARAM - The head of the East Lombok District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Irwan Setiawan said the state lost Rp 4 billion from the alleged corruption case for the aid project for agricultural equipment and machinery (alsintan) for the 2018 budget year in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

He explained that the value of the loss came from the results of the calculation of the audit team from the NTB Representative Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"So, BPKP assesses the state loss of more than IDR 4 billion as a total loss (full loss)," said Iwan in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 21.

The assessment is seen from the number of agricultural machines distributed to farmers that do not meet specifications and distribution is not on target.

"The goods do exist. However, the distribution is not right on target. Therefore, it is calculated as a total loss," he said.

Irwan also said that the budget for distribution is different from the purchase of goods. For example, the distribution of Rp. 4.2 billion, while the budget for the purchase of Rp. 4 billion.

"So, the budget for buying tools does not count (state losses)," he said.

With the value of state losses from BPKP, Irwan ensured that in the near future investigators will conduct a case to determine the legal certainty of the case.

The 2018 alsintan project in East Lombok Regency is for the assistance of 21 farmer groups and three UPJAs that are included in the recipient list.

The types of machinery provided to farmer groups include four-wheel tractors, two-wheel tractors, water pumps, agricultural sprayers, and rice transplanters.

Based on information from the technical guidelines for the procurement and distribution of machinery assistance in the 2018 State Budget, this provision is made through an e-catalog system managed by the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) on the website

The machinery procurement must have a Product Certificate for Users of the Indonesian National Standard Mark (SPPT SNI) and/or already have a test report from an accredited machinery testing agency.

The funding source comes from the DIPA of the Work Unit (Satker) of the Directorate General (DG) of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) for Fiscal Year 2018.

Through the Directorate General of PSP of the Ministry of Agriculture, regions distribute machineries assistance to recipients from among farmer groups through the assistance task fund for the provincial agricultural work unit.

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