JAKARTA - Last weekend, social media was enlivened with videos circulating showing the occurrence of 'breast-begging' actions. In this action, the perpetrator touched the breast of the victim who was walking while carrying goods.

Three days later, the stunt was revealed. The police arrested the perpetrator, Deni Hendrianto, at his residence in Pondok Ungu, Bekasi.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that from the investigation, the perpetrator admitted that he had carried out the action five times. He has been doing this kind of action since October 2019.

"After deepening, there are five crime scenes (TKP) from October or November to January 2020," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, January 20.

The perpetrator admitted that he committed this action only to women who were old enough. The target is a woman who is carrying an item. So that when this action is carried out, the victim cannot fight back and the perpetrator can easily escape.

This action was carried out by Deni because he often watched pornographic videos. He also found a number of pornographic videos on his cell phone.

"We also confiscated the suspect's cellphone because there were so many pornographic films," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, Deni said, the action carried out was aimed solely for satisfaction. Deni deliberately looks for old women because he is aroused by them.

"Yes because of lust, and I am satisfied," said Deni.

Perpetrator of breast robbery in Bekasi (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

As a result of his actions, Deni was charged with Article 289 or 281 of the Criminal Code concerning crimes against decency and decency with the threat of a sentence of 9 years in prison.

Immoral acts like this have occurred in Kediri Regency, East Java some time ago. The perpetrator, named Hariyanto (36), committed this depraved action because he judged his legal wife's dress to be less attractive.

Apart from that, from Hariyanto's confession, his violent actions have also been carried out three times. In fact, as a result of his actions against EY (31), on Jalan Desa Gampengrejo, Saturday, January 4, 2020, Hariyanto was languishing behind the bars of the Kediri Police.

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