SOLO - The city of Solo will follow directions from the Central Java Provincial Government regarding the sale of dog meat in all regions.

"We will follow up immediately, there have been warnings," said Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming in Solo, Antara, Monday, July 18.

Asked about the city government's plan to invite dog meat sellers to socialize the policy, Gibran said he would do it as soon as possible.

"Yes, later, on the way, yes. What is clear is that we are following the provincial directions," he said.

To regulate the prohibition of selling dog meat through local regulations (perda). However, he has not been able to confirm when the drafting of the regulation will be carried out.

Previously, the Central Java Provincial Government through the Central Java Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service (Disnakkeswan) issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 524.3/2417 concerning the Sale and Purchase of Dog Meat. The SE regulates the prohibition of selling dog meat.

The SE is addressed to the head of the agency in charge of animal husbandry and animal health functions in districts or cities throughout Central Java.

The letter mentioned a number of considerations related to the prohibition of the dog meat trade, one of which was Law No. 18/2009 which was amended to Law No. 41/2014 concerning Livestock and Animal Health where dogs are pets and not livestock, so that they are not intended for food or consumption

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