MEDAN - The man with the initials RH (37), a resident of Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra was arrested by the police after seizing a cell phone belonging to an 8-year-old boy. Not only looting, the perpetrators also put the victim in a gunny before finally being dumped into an empty house.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Deli Serdang Police, Commissioner I Kadek H Cahyadi, said the incident occurred on Sunday, July 10 in Buntu Bedimbar Village, Tanjung Morawa District.

"The incident began when the victim was playing with his friends around his house. The victim was carrying a Vivo cellphone," said Kompol Kadek, Monday, July 18.

Seeing the victim holding the cellphone, the perpetrator's evil intention to control the cellphone. After that, the perpetrator then put the victim into a burlap measuring 10 Kg.

"The perpetrator carried out his action by inserting the victim into a burlap and immediately taking his cellphone," he said.

Furthermore, the victim who was already in the gunny was brought by the perpetrator into an empty house. The goal is that the victim does not know the perpetrator.

"The victim who was in the gunny was dumped by the perpetrator RH into an empty house with the intention that the victim did not know the perpetrator. But the victim opened the sack a little and saw the face of the perpetrator who turned out to be RH who is also the parent of the victim's playmate," he explained.

Kompol Kadek said the victim, who was already at home, told her parents about the incident. Hearing the victim's confession, his parents objected and reported the incident to the Deli Serdang Police.

"When the perpetrator was arrested by the officers, the perpetrator admitted that he stole the cellphone to sell because he did not have money," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator has been taken to the Deli Serdang Police for examination.

"Against the suspect RH, we suspect Article 365 paragraph (1) subsidiary of Article 362 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison," he said.

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