JAKARTA - Secretary General (Sekjen) of the DPP PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, spoke about the criteria for the figure his party will carry in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

According to him, the presidential candidate from the PDIP must be strong in ideology and have traveled around Indonesia. This was conveyed by Hasto when he was present at the Three Pillars Meeting of the PDIP Party of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) in order to follow up on the results of the second National Work Meeting, Sunday, July 17. General Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri.

He explained that in the past, PDIP was often a party that was always dwarfed and a party that was only used as an accessory to democracy.

However, he said, Megawati learned from Bung Karno that everything must start from an idea.

“These ideas will create a fighting spirit. This fighting spirit will create determination and action. Creating national action. This is what we learned from Bung Karno and Bu Mega. Mrs. Mega also started from an idea. So this was an idea that seemed impossible at the time," said Hasto.

"But by instigating the guerrilla camouflage, Ibu Mega is like setting up telkom towers that transmit signals and there is connectivity between the leaders and the people. Where the towers are the PAC branch management as the sub-district coordinator," he continued.

Hasto said that Megawati traveled throughout Indonesia, similar to what Bung Karno did around Indonesia.

In fact, he said, he was even put in prison because Bung Karno preached that Indonesia was independent so that the Dutch colonials feared it.

"So our priority scale is not a day without consolidation, without going down, not a day without a movement to the people. We carry out movements for voters, especially women and young people," said Hasto.

Then, Hasto specifically asked party officials and cadres, including those in Central Kalimantan, not to be influenced by the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Because, it will be decided by Megawati.

According to him, Megawati is looking for an ideologically strong leader who at least has traveled throughout Indonesia and really knows the people.

By traveling around Indonesia, Hasto said, prospective leaders will understand the condition of Indonesia with its cultural diversity, natural resources, and geographical conditions surrounded by oceans.

Also looking for a leader who can solve people's problems and build the future.

“PDIP cadres must obey the principles. Ibu Mega considers what is best for the nation and state, looking for a leader who is truly rooted in the people, led by the Pancasila ideology so that she can determine the future direction. That's what Bu Mega is looking for,” said Hasto.

"That's why we prefer to move downwards rather than talk. We don't need to participate in responding to what the other party is doing," he continued.

Hasto said that there was one party whose electoral vote was down, then tried to bring up cadres of other parties and even nominate a figure who should be neutral in politics.

Things like this, he said, let the people be the political judges.

He also said another challenge in 2024 is the threat of radicalism and the forces that want to replace Pancasila.

"We must maintain solidity in facing various ideological challenges," concluded Hasto.

At the event, the PDIP Central Kalimantan board of directors was led by the Chairman of the DPD Arton Dohong and his secretary Sigit K. Yunianto.

Also present were the Governor of Central Kalimantan, who is a PDIP cadre, Sugianto Sabran, as well as two members of the DPR for the Central Kalimantan electoral district, Agustiar Sabran and Willy M Yoseph.

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