JAKARTA - The special team formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo continues to strengthen the scientific evidence behind the death of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat at the shelter for the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. The goal is to avoid issues that continue to develop.

"To avoid speculation that is analogous to without being supported by scientific evidence and not being an expert in the field, it will only make things worse," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Sunday, July 17.

In this case, Dedi explained, the special team put forward the Scientific Crime Investigation (SCI) method. Thus, all the findings obtained can be accounted for.

The scientific evidence that is being carried out is the completion of the autopsy results by forensic medicine. Later, the forensic laboratory also carried out ballistic tests of projectiles, shells and firearms in the incident.

"At the crime scene (TKP), Inafis will conduct a crime scene to find DNA fingerprints, measure the distance and angle of the shot, CCTV, cellphone and others," said Dedi.

In parallel, continued Dedi, the Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police also examined a number of witnesses and provided assistance to the investigative team from the South Jakarta Metro Police.

With the whole process of scientific proof, it is hoped that the real facts will be revealed. Later, the Police will convey objectively and transparently to the public regarding the handling of this case.

"Please be patient for the team to work. So later the results will be very clear and comprehensive because the evidence speaks scientifically and there is conformity with the results of the examination of the witnesses," concluded Dedi.

Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabara was killed when he was involved in a shootout by Bharada E, on Friday, July 8. The shooting was said to have taken place at the shelter house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta.

The results of the temporary investigation, the shootout began with the screams of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife who would be harassed by Brigadier J. Where, Bharada RE heard the voice. However, behind it a slanted issue arises. For example, Brigadri J was tortured for the motive of infidelity.

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