JAKARTA - Ternate Basarnas anticipates the impact of extreme weather this week. They have prepared personnel and provided equipment for evacuation if needed.

Head of Basarnas Ternate Fathur Rahman said all personnel along with various main safety equipment had been prepared to help the community when needed during extreme weather conditions due to bad weather.

"For people who will travel by sea transportation in the waters of North Maluku, they should first look at the weather conditions before traveling," said Fathur, Saturday, July 16, quoted from Antara.

Therefore, fishermen are asked to temporarily refrain from fishing, and are also expected to always provide safety buoys during activities at sea and ask the public to contact Basarnas on emergency Call 115 in case of an emergency. Or the Ternate Basarnas office number (0921) 31200069 or WhatsApp at 0813 5251 8454.

Fathur stated that currently the weather is in quite extreme conditions, rain is accompanied by strong winds and also high waves and also the weather conditions are very prone to disasters and calamities.

"Basarnas will always coordinate with related elements, especially BMKG to update weather conditions in North Maluku and improve monitoring through communication with relevant stakeholders," said Head of Basarnas Ternate, Fathur Rahman.

The Basarnas Team alerted personnel at the Ternate Basarnas Main Office, Tobelo SAR Post, Bacan Sar Alert Unit, Morotai Sar Alert Unit and Sanana SAR Alert Unit, as well as Alut namely KN 237 Pandudewanata, Rescue Boat 309, RIB, Rubber Boat, and other SAR equipment "Shut up Fathur.

Meanwhile, Weather Forecaster, BMKG Sultan Baabullah Ternate, Satria Kridha Nugraha stated, his party had issued an early warning alert of the potential for moderate to heavy rain which could be accompanied by strong winds in the afternoon/evening in the Mangole area, Sanana which could result in flooding and landslides. in the region

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