SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Police (Polrestabes) team dismantled a state university entrance exam jockey syndicate after arresting eight perpetrators.

Surabaya Police Chief Akhmad Yusep Gunawan explained that eight perpetrators were arrested while carrying out the practice of playing computer-based written exams for joint selection to enter state universities (UTBK SBMPTN) in Surabaya on May 20, 2022.

"They have their respective roles, among them there are those who act as makers and assemblers of camera and communication tools to be paired with participants who use gambling services and record questions," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 15.

The other perpetrators, he said, acted as operators to send the exam questions recorded on the camera to a number of other actors as masters and are indeed experts in answering.

"The answers are returned to the operator and then distributed through a communication tool to the participants who use the services of this jockey syndicate," said the middle officer of the National Police.

In addition, the police also managed to find a house in Surabaya which was used as a base camp point by the jockey network.

"At that time we immediately took action against the forcible arrest of eight syndicate people, and confiscated various evidences," he said.

At the house, the police confiscated as many as 25 pieces of long-sleeved shirts that had been modified to install cameras, 65 modems, 57 communication devices, 63 cameras, and 44 microphones.

To the police, the jockey syndicate admitted that it had only been operating for the last three years by obtaining test takers from brokers.

Each service user is charged between Rp. 100 million to Rp. 400 million or depending on the department of the study program and the intended university.

"On average, 40 to 60 test-taking service users get per year, the turnover is around IDR 2.5 billion to IDR 6 billion," said Kombes Yusep.

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