YOGYAKARTA - The Technical Implementation Unit of Rusunawa Yogyakarta has resumed the selection process for prospective residents of Bener Flats, prioritized for Tower Two, which is expected to be able to occupy the flats this year.

"The selection of prospective residents is continued from the registration documents that we have received previously," said Head of UPT Rusunawa Yogyakarta, Wisnu Windarto in Yogyakarta, Friday, July 15.

UPT Rusunawa Yogyakarta received around 150 registration documents, but after the initial selection, there were only about 100 applicants who passed the administration.

The selection process was carried out to determine as many as 88 prospective residents of Bener Flats, Tower One and Tower Two.

"It's just that what we prioritize is to determine prospective residents in Tower Two, because Tower One is still being used for the shelter needs of COVID-19 patients," he said.

He explained, Tower Two Rusunawa Bener will be filled with 44 residents. However, the two rooms in the tower will be intended for people with disabilities.

Previously, Tower Two Rusunawa Bener had also functioned as a shelter so that the Yogyakarta City Government had temporarily suspended the selection process for prospective residents of the flats.

According to Wisnu, several parameters that will be used as the basis for the assessment for the selection of prospective residents of Bener Flats include the location of residence, status of residence ownership, housing needs, and wages received.

"We will also confirm to the RT and RW where the prospective occupants currently live. The goal is to determine whether they really need this rusunawa or not,” he said.

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Later, Wisnu emphasized, each occupant of the Bener Flats was only allowed to stay for three years and could be extended twice with various considerations.

"So, they are not allowed to live forever in the flats. The purpose of living in the flats is to help residents to be able to have their own housing," he said.

The estimated rental price for one room unit in a flat is around Rp. 500,000-Rp. 600,000 excluding electricity, water usage, cleanliness, and security costs.

“We will advise the public to really pay attention to the value of the rent that must be paid. If you can't afford it, then we would suggest trying to register at the Cokrodirjan Rusunawa or at the Grha Bina Harapan Rusunawa because the rent is lower," he said.

According to him, if the process of placing residents in Tower Two of Bener Rusunawa can be carried out this year, then there is still an opportunity for UPT Rusunawa to ask the construction project implementer to make repairs if damage is found.

“The building maintenance period by the project implementer will expire at the end of this year. If the placement of residents can be carried out immediately, then when there are some shortcomings, repairs can still be made immediately, he added.

Currently, based on the Antara report, the Yogyakarta City Government has also proposed to the Ministry of PUPR for the plan to build Tower Three Rusunawa Bener which is located in the same complex.

"There is still land with a sufficient area in front of Tower Two that can be used to build rusunawa," he said.

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