SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Social Service targets poverty and unemployment reduction when presenting the Operational Performance Indicators (IKO) in the 2022 performance contract at the Diskominfo office in Surabaya.

Head of the Surabaya City Social Service (Dinsos) Anna Fajriatin explained, a number of indicators for the Social Service's performance target in 2022 are social rehabilitation, in the form of alleviating the need for Social Welfare Services (PPKS) which is currently being fostered and handled by the Social Service through the Integrated Service Unit (UPTD).

"So, indeed, one of our IKOs is how to provide services to PPKS through the UPTD. Also, through reunification, how do we return (PPKS) to their families or we return them to their areas of origin," said Anna as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 15.

In her presentation, Anna said, in 2021, Social Services is targeting social rehabilitation to target 530 PPKS. Meanwhile, in 2022, it is targeted to reach 891 PPKS with the assumption, namely the reunification of as many as 795 people and 96 others being trained.

The UPTDs in Surabaya include the UPTD for Kampung Anak Negeri Kalijudan as many as 62 children and Wonorejo 34 children, UPTD Griya Werdha 185 people and UPTD Babat Acne 43 people. While in Liponsos Keputih, there are currently 672 people from the previous year in 2021 as many as 900 people.

"One of the things we will do in 2022 is to refer (send) 200 ODGJ (People with Mental Disorders) and disabilities to various rehabilitation centers outside East Java. We are assisted by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) RI," said Anna.

In addition to social rehabilitation, Anna also explained that the achievement of the accreditation of Child Welfare Institutions (LKSA) is also the Dinsos performance target in 2022. There are at least a total of 122 LKSAs that are currently registered with the Social Service.

Meanwhile, until the end of 2021, he continued, as many as 62 LKSAs in Surabaya had been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. "In 2022 we will propose 20 LKSAs for the accreditation process by the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Anna.

Not only that, Anna also mentioned that social protection and security are included in the performance contract of the Surabaya Social Service in 2022. In this IKO target, she ensures that MBR Surabaya can get the right social security.

According to Anna, updating MBR data is carried out every month through village meetings (muskel). As of June 2022, the Social Affairs Office noted that as many as 935,322 people from 329,145 families in Surabaya had been carried out by Muskel.

The number of 329,145 KK, is the result of the Muskel conducted from March to June 2022. "So, the results of the Muskel become the basis for the Social Service for us to submit data updates to the Ministry of Social Affairs," he said.

In addition to going through the Muskel, he said, the Social Service also held village meetings before the data from the Muskel results was submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Through village meetings, RT/RW, Camat, Lurah and residents can propose data on MBR candidates.

From the results of the proposal, the Social Service Office then conducted a door-to-door survey to the field to ensure the validity of the proposed data.

"So we took various steps to approach valid data. From the Surabaya community integrated data (DTMS) which is part of Muskel, we held another village meeting," said Eri.

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