JAKARTA - The Jakarta Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) held a journalist competency test (UKW) for the 49th batch which lasted for two days, November 5-6. This activity took place at the PWI Jaya Secretariat, Jalan Suryopranoto, Central Jakarta.

The activity which was opened by the Deputy Chairperson of the Welfare Division of PWI Jaya TB Adhi, was attended by 18 participants from 21 participants who registered with details of 15 participants in the youth category and three for the middle category. Of this number, 14 people were then declared competent with details of 12 people from the young category and three from the middle category.

In the closing ceremony, a representative from the youth category, Jerry Makmurta, thanked the examiners for the competency test.

"Our gratitude and gratitude for the time and opportunity given to us by the examiners. Thank you also to the committee. My friends and I will continue to learn, as stated by Pak Djunaidi Tjunti, our examiner," said Jerry, Friday, November 6. .

In closing, the senior examiner, Marah Sakti Siregar, then advised that journalists who passed the competency test become qualified reporters and uphold professionalism. In addition, he also asked journalists to always adhere to the journalistic code of ethics and its derivatives.

"You are obliged to uphold the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) and its derivatives, Child Friendly News Guidelines (PPRA), Cyber Media News Coverage Guidelines (PPMS), and other laws," he said.

With the passing of 14 of the 49th generation of PWI Jaya competency test, the total number of competent participants from the national level PWI is 12385 people.

"Me and my fellow examiners are certainly happy with your success. Congratulations. We certainly hope that you will become journalists with quality and professionalism," said Marah.

There are four examiners in this competency test activity. One examiner, Marah Sakti Siregar, was the intermediate examiner and three others namely Djunaidi Tjunti Agus, Abdul Rahim Lubis, and Rita Sri Hastuti were the intermediate level examiners.

In addition, there were a number of daily administrators who attended the event, such as Kesit Budi Handayo, Naek Pangaribuan, Iqbal Irsyad, Kadirah, and the Chairman of the DKP Diapari Sibatangkayu.

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