SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa is preparing mitigation measures ahead of the return of pilgrims from the Holy Land. Hajj pilgrims will get a safe health card from COVID-19, for those who pass the COVID-19 screening.

"If there are symptoms and their body temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius, then the PCR swab will be carried out by the KKP whose vendor is from BNPB. Apart from that, all must be swab antigens, where this antigen swab will be handled by the Provincial Health Office," said Khofifah, at the time. chaired a meeting on the mitigation process for the return of pilgrims from East Java at the Grahadi State building in Surabaya, Friday, July 15.

Khofifah emphasized that the policy was in accordance with the Circular from BNPB, which stipulates that citizens who travel abroad and return to Indonesia must be screened.

Meanwhile, from the Ministry of Health, a booster must be carried out for those who have not had a booster.

"Because the return of the pilgrims is handled across sectors, everything must be synergized. God willing, tomorrow Saturday (16/7) we will hold a simulation of the handling and an apple at the Hajj Dormitory," he said.

At the cross-sector meeting, Khofifah emphasized that all parties from airport authorities, KKP, Hajj organizers to the Health Service at the provincial level, TNI and Polri, districts/cities must be ready and work in harmony in anticipating the Mitigation process for the Return of Hajj Pilgrims in 2022.

According to him, this precautionary effort should not be relaxed in the slightest considering that the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has not yet been completed.

Not without reason, Khofifah shared her experiences during the pilgrimage. There, continued Khofifah, pilgrims from various parts of the world gathered and varied their habits in the use of masks, not everyone in the Holy Land wore masks.

"Therefore, we ask for mutual awareness so that the positive ones are quarantined, and the District/City Health Office will pick them up at the Hajj Dormitory," he said.

For pilgrims who are confirmed to be healthy, later they will get a health card for the pilgrims. Where the card is also confirmed to the nearest health center, to continue to monitor the health of the pilgrims returning from the Holy Land. "So all are ready to provide the best service," he said.

Khofifah said the number of pilgrims from East Java reached 16,086 people. Therefore, he advised the readiness of officers, both medical personnel and swabber, both at the airport to the Hajj dormitory.

"Don't let a swabber or health worker be late. I ask for help that the officers have to be on standby earlier, so that the screening process can be fast and there will be no buildup," he said.

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