JAKARTA - Unlicensed mining (crate) for coal is increasingly prevalent in a number of places, especially when commodity prices are high, so it is considered to require a commitment in law enforcement to prevent or overcome it. Executive Director of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) Hendra Sinadia in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, said coal mining business actors have never stopped reporting crates to the government. APBI members who have suffered losses have also reported in addition to law enforcement officers as well as to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). According to Hendra, business actors who are members of APBI supports the government's efforts to control the crate. Since the issue of coffins spread more than 10 years ago, APBI has always coordinated with the government to convey data and facilitate law enforcement efforts to eradicate the activity without a permit. "Each company certainly has internal efforts to minimize the impact of the crate and also coordinate with law enforcement officers," Hendra said as quoted by Antara. In fact, it is not impossible to prevent the crate. We are just waiting for the moment of the movement of coal commodity prices. Various ways are carried out, including fostering the community around the operational area and also collaborating with local law enforcement agencies. Crate is an activity to produce mineral or coal carried out by the community or company without a permit, does not use good mining principles, and has a negative impact on the environment. , economic, and social. Based on data from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, until the third quarter of 2021, the crate reached 2,700 locations. A total of 2,645 mineral crate locations and 96 coal crate locations. The most crate activity is in South Sumatra.

Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi, Director of Engineering and Environment for Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, previously said that the crate continues to be a concern of the government. Law Number 3 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law (UU) Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining. Rp100 billion. This includes anyone who holds an IUP at the exploration stage, but carries out production operations, shall be punished with imprisonment as regulated in Article 160. development and/or utilization of transportation, sale of minerals and/or coal g does not come from the holder of an IUP, IUPK, IPR, SIPB or other permits will be punished with imprisonment.

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