BANJARMASIN - A total of 19 people with disabilities and 15 hafiz of the Koran are scrambling to enter Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) in South Kalimantan on the independent selection path that is currently underway." Quran because we do provide a special quota," said ULM Chancellor Prof. Sutarto Hadi in Banjarmasin, Wednesday, July 13. prepare volunteers as companions if needed by students with disabilities. "So even if we want to be blind, deaf or hyperactive, we can accommodate them to take part in the selection as long as they meet the academic requirements, they are accepted according to the available quota," said Sutarto, quoted by Antara. determined to score more tires such as the achievements of Al-Quran memorizing students who can take part in various Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) events to make the name of the oldest university on the island of Borneo proud. The independent selection is the last route opened by ULM to accept prospective new students for the 2022-2023 academic year. The Computer-Based Independent Writing Exam (UTMBK) takes place from Monday 11 July to Thursday 14 July.

It was recorded that there were 4,735 participants who took part in the independent selection choosing 64 undergraduate programs (S1) which were the choice of prospective new students studying higher education at ULM who had the status of PTN financial management for public service agencies (BLU). The remaining seats were about 2,600 people. Previously, ULM had accepted 1,136 new students in the National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN) or the academic achievement invitation path. Then the Joint Selection for State Higher Education Entrance (SBMPTN) there are around 3,000 people who have passed. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has determined the number of new ULM students for the 2022-2023 academic year as many as 6,265 people.

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