JAKARTA - Child, adolescent and family psychologist Novita Tandry revealed the current condition of the wife of the Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi after incidents of harassment and gunpointing.

Due to this incident, Putri Candrawati was depressed and had trouble sleeping.

"When he met the mother (wife of the Propam Division Head), she was in a state of shock, she was traumatized, of course it was difficult for her to concentrate and since the incident until now she has not been able to sleep for sure," said Novita when contacted in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, July 13. .

The shock experienced by the wife of the Propam Head of Division was due to a series of events, ranging from harassment, pointing of guns, to a shootout between adjutants at her house. Including the psychological burden of the hectic reporting of the incident.

"Because I saw the situation firsthand, the first thing was because of harassment, then the second was because I saw and witnessed the shooting," he said.

According to him, since the incident until now, the condition of the wife of the two-star general is still unstable, shaken, and stressed with stress levels ranging from moderate to severe.

Polda Metro Jaya appointed Novita Tandry as a psychologist to accompany the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who in this incident was a witness to victims who experienced harassment, muggings, and witnessed the shootout.

The recovery of the psychological condition of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife, according to him, is necessary because he has four children who need attention. Novita said that the concentration of psychological assistance was so that the incident would not have an impact on other families.

"My concern is how this mother's role as a wife and also a mother, there are four children aged 21, 17, 15, and 1.5 years. This has made me assist not only mothers, but also their children. , the children are still in school, in college, and are still toddlers," he explained.

Novita also mentioned that there are stages in healing a victim's trauma healing. It takes 3 months to 6 months, depending on the adaptability of the victim. The stage he was referring to was DABDA.

DABDA stands for denial (denial), angry (angry), bargaining (bargaining), depression (depression), and acceptance (acceptance).

According to him, usually in these steps it depends on them being able to go back and forth, being able to deny that the incident was a dream, not real, to be angry, to be angry at the environment, to be angry at themselves.

"Furthermore, there is a process of bargaining, oh, if I were like this, that's it, I wonder how, I bargained with my own situation, he will enter again in a depressed position, the last one is acceptance," said Novita.

Just yesterday Novita was appointed and provided assistance to Ferdy Sambo's wife and family. He also confirmed that the condition of the general's wife was able to provide information to investigators related to the incident.

In order to respect the rights of victims, this psychologist advised the public to be wiser in disseminating information so as not to add to the psychological burden of victims who experienced events.

In addition, the incident experienced by Ferdy Sambo's wife, as the wife of a Police official, can be a lesson for others. In this case, of course, it is necessary to have a psychologist's role in assisting the victim to be strong in dealing with the trauma.

"So, maybe we have to be wiser because I am also a woman, we are like this so we have to bear psychologically, bear this everyone is talking about, maybe we have to be wiser in reporting," said Novita.

National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has formed a joint team consisting of the internal work unit of the National Police and police partners in this case Komponas and Komnas HAM to help uncover the incident of a shootout between members of the National Police at the Home Office of the Head of the Professional and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the Indonesian National Police Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo at the Duren Tiga Police Complex No. 46 Pancoran area, South Jakarta, Friday (8/7) at 17.00 WIB.

The shooting occurred between Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) aide Drive Caraka (ADV) the wife of the National Police Propam Division Head and Bharada E, ADV Head of the National Police Propam Division. The incident resulted in Brigadier Nopryansah being shot dead.

The incident was motivated by the harassment and pointing of a gun by Ferdy Sambo's wife.

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