JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Nawawi Pomolango, said that his party was investigating alleged corruption (corruption) committed by participants in the 2020 Regional Election.

"The KPK has even started investigating several couples who took part in organizing the elections," said Nawawi on the KPK channel YouTube account, Thursday, reported by Antara, Thursday, November 5.

However, he did not explain further who the candidate pair for regional head was being investigated. He only said that the candidate pair were outside North Sulawesi Province.

"Alhamdulillah, if possible we can say that it is outside North Sulawesi," said Nawawi.

The KPK, continued Nawawi, will continue to supervise the election process so that it is not tainted by corrupt practices.

"We want to ensure that the KPK team continues to monitor in the midst of this regional election. Moreover, in a pandemic situation like we are facing together," he said.

In addition, he also emphasized that his party did not take policies such as those of the National Police and the Attorney General's Office which suspended or delayed handling of corruption by regional head candidates during the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneous stages.

"The KPK does not take a policy like other law enforcement colleagues in the police or prosecutors who suspend or postpone the handling of investigations, investigations, prosecutions of cases of corruption in between times like this. KPK does not carry out such a policy," said Nawawi.

The KPK ensures that investigations, investigations and prosecutions for alleged corruption involving regional head candidates are still ongoing without being suspended.

"In this condition, if the KPK finds practices indicative of corruption, the KPK will do so right now," he said.

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