MALUKU - The head of the Maluku Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Henri Far Far, acknowledged that there were reports of the discovery of 12 crew members of the Intan Fortuna Motorboat (KM) by fishermen in South Buru Regency, who were safe and had evacuated them to the Salim Alkatiri Namrole Hospital.

"The crew members who were reported to have sunk were found by fishermen from Lektama Village, Namrole District, South Buru Regency on Monday between 12:00 WIT and 13:00 WIT", said Henri in Ambon, Antara, Tuesday, July 12.

According to him, KM Intan Fortuna initially sailed from Dobo, Aru Islands Regency, Maluku on June 25, 2022, to Jakarta with 16 crew members, but the ship reportedly sank after being hit by a storm and high sea waves.

Fishermen in South Buru Regency only found and evacuated 12 crew members, of which eight are currently in good health and four others are still in intensive care at the Namrole Hospital, while the fate of the other four crew members is still unknown.

"We at the Provincial BPBD are also asked to pass this information on to the Aru Islands Regency PB Satlak to help search for the four crew of KM Intan Fortuna", he said.

Because according to the deputy captain of the ill-fated ship, the four crew members first plunged into the sea and swam to Keka Island around the Aru Islands region.

"These four crew members reportedly jumped into the sea first, while the other 12 crew members survived until the boat sank and they swam with the ocean currents until they were finally found by fishermen in South Buru Regency", Henri explained.

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