BOGOR - The Environmental Service (DLH) of Bogor Regency, West Java, will monitor waste dumpers in the Cileungsi River through surveillance cameras or CCTV.

"The function is that when pollution occurs, we can at least identify where the starting point is. That's what we've been struggling with so far," said Head of the DLH Bogor Regency, Ade Yana Mulyana in Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Monday, July 11.

He admitted that he was calculating the number of CCTV needs with the Cileungsi-Cikeas River Care Community (KP2C), then adjusting it to the budget prepared for procurement.

"For example, this year it's strong (buy) five, next year plus five, at different points along the path," explained Ade Yana.

Ade Yana hopes that the community can also monitor the pollution that occurs. The CCTV will be integrated using a mobile device application.

"It's not just the service. We also can't keep our cellphones 24 hours. We focus on procuring the physical facilities first. If the physical facilities already exist, we will develop the Android version of the software," he said.

Previously, the Cileungsi-Cikeas River Care Community (KP2C) installed seven surveillance cameras or CCTV in the Cileungsi and Cikeas Rivers located in Bogor and Bekasi Regencies, West Java, to detect flood events early.

"Monitoring officers in the upper reaches of the river to find out the water level in the upstream. The benefit is, six hours before the flood, the community can get information from KP2C which is carried out every day," said KP2C Chairman, Puarman after an audience with the Acting Regent of Bogor Iwan Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor, last Wednesday.

According to him, the financing for the CCTV installation was carried out independently from donations from KP2C members.

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