JAKARTA - Many Venezuelan citizens have high hopes for the incumbent Donald Trump's victory in the United States (US) Presidential Election this year. Why is that?

The hope of the Venezuelan citizens is related to the influence of US policies that can shake the country's ruler, President Nicolas Maduro. Earlier, the Trump administration promised sanctions that could lead to Maduro's ouster. Because he was considered a ruler who caused the country's economy to collapse and triggered a massive exodus.

But that strategy after nearly two years failed to shake Maduro from power. Critics say the measures have exacerbated the humanitarian crisis of once prosperous OPEC members by damaging government cash flows and making it harder to import essential goods like gasoline.

Although Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, promised not to soften on Maduro, they believed that he would not be as horizontal as Trump. Venezuelans see that Biden will take the same stance as former US president Barack Obama, subtle but without impact.

Meanwhile Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido hopes the US will continue to pressure Maduro, regardless of whether Trump or Biden is declared the winner. This was conveyed by Tomas Guanipa, Guaido's representative in Colombia.

"What we hope for is the continuity of policies from bipartisan, from supporting the struggle for democracy in Venezuela, to supporting the interim government of President Juan Guaido, who has supported the National Assembly as the only legitimate democratic institution," said Guanipa.

While on the streets east of Caracas, where workers in frilly shirts and face masks stroll around, many believe Trump will win.

"Trump won because he fought shameless people here in Venezuela, down to Maduro," said Jose Gregorio Bastidas, a construction worker.

"A lot of people talk about the 'blockade.' The blockade is on Maduro's ministers' credit cards, ”he said, referring to Maduro's accusations that the sanctions were the cause of Venezuela's economic problems.

Maduro's supporters almost universally condemn Trump but also express skepticism about Biden. They insist that US policies are meant to undermine democracy in Venezuela. Citing Reuters, some of Maduro's most outspoken enemies have also publicly criticized US sanctions on the grounds that they worsen living conditions without producing change in government.

Trump's promise

US policy towards Venezuela is widely discussed while campaigning in Florida, particularly in Miami-Dade County, home to the Venezuelan community. That helped Trump win a narrow victory in Florida.

Sanctions against Maduro's government include an asset freeze and travel bans for senior officials. In addition, there are measures to limit OPEC countries' oil exports and fuel imports. But the policy has left millions of Venezuelans in long lines to refuel their vehicles and even struggle to find public transportation.

Despite the complexities, some Venezuelans still feel that Trump is the first US leader to dare to face Maduro. Maduro is also accused of committing systematic human rights violations and extensive attempts to undermine democratic institutions.

"I want Trump to win because I think he has the most to implement the steps to solve the problem here," said Fernando Gonzalez, an information technology analyst in Venezuela.

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