JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR Sukamta said the Draft Law (RUU) on Personal Data Protection has been completed. All points in the bill have been agreed upon by the DPR and the government.

"The PDP Bill has all been discussed, it's just a matter of synchronizing it in the next Session Period (Trial Period I, Session Year 2022-2023)," said Sukamta in Jakarta, Monday, July 11.

He said several points of the bill, which previously contained differences of opinion between the DPR and the government, had finally been agreed upon by both parties.

Sukamta gave an example regarding the existence of a personal data supervisory agency, it was agreed by the DPR and the government that its formation was left to the President.

"The supervisory agencies are assigned duties and authorities by law, whose formation is left to the President. The government team, which is commanded by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, is okay," he said.

According to him, regarding the location of the private data center, which in the discussion had been delayed, a temporary decision was finally taken, namely that for the public it must be in the country.

Meanwhile, according to Sukamta, for the private sector, the decision must be synchronized first.

He explained that only the PDP Bill was synchronized by the Formulating Team (Timus) and the Synchronization Team (Timsin), to examine the entire bill.

Previously, the DPR Plenary Meeting closing the Session Period V for the 2021-2022 Session Year on Tuesday (5/7) agreed to extend the time for the discussion of the PDP Bill.

Commission I of the House of Representatives targets the discussion of the PDP Bill to be completed during the First Session Period of the 2022-2023 Session Year, namely August 2022.

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