JAKARTA - Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo asked local residents to return to wearing masks when doing indoor and outdoor activities as an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Harnojoyo said the request was a response to the central government's policy to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, which recently experienced an increase in positive cases nationally.

"We just received information on the policy to return to wearing masks today. But of course we will immediately follow up on its implementation as an effort to mitigate COVID-19," said Harnojoyo, Monday, July 11, quoted from Antara.

He assessed that the use of masks was not limited to only preventing the transmission of COVID-19 but it was important to maintain a healthy body from other infectious diseases.

Based on the study of health workers, he continued, about 86 percent of infectious diseases enter the body through the respiratory system.

"So we strongly encourage residents to return to wearing masks," he said.

The Palembang City Government is committed to optimizing COVID-19 vaccination as an effort to prevent transmission.

"From there, starting from June 2022 until now the city of Palembang is at level 1 or the category of low transmission of COVID-19, this achievement is the result of government-community cooperation that must be maintained," he said.

Based on the data recap of the COVID-19 situation at the Palembang City Health Office, Sunday (10/7), there were two positive cases of COVID-19 and 58 active cases in treatment, while zero deaths.

The COVID-19 Spokesperson for the Palembang Health Service, Yudhi Setiawan, reported that the coverage of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination in the area has now reached 1,200,486 people or 85.02 percent of the 1,412,064 targeted targets.

The total coverage of the COVID-19 vaccination consists of the category of human resources for health workers (136.80 percent), public officers 157,927 people (178.36 percent), the elderly 77,548 people (60.37 percent).

The category of vulnerable and general people is 642,685 people (74.96 percent), youth 168,253 people (110.58 percent), 111,176 children (64.94 percent), pregnant women 169 people, and the mutual cooperation category is 23,176 people.

"The number of COVID-19 vaccination achievements in Palembang continues to grow every day," he said.

Of the total target number of 1,412,064 people, 1,020,378 people or 82.26 percent of them have received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 264,869 people or 24.32 percent of the third dose.

Yudhi appealed to the people of Palembang who have not participated in the vaccination program to complete it immediately so that it can create communal immunity.

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