SURABAYA - The East Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has prepared 11 public prosecutors (JPU), in the case of sexual abuse of female students with the suspect Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) or Mas Bechi. Of the 11 public prosecutors, one of them is the Head of the East Java Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati.

"Of the 10 prosecutors, one of them is myself and the Assistant for General Crimes (Aspidum)," said Mia, in Surabaya, Monday, July 11.

Mia said the East Java Prosecutor's Office had received the delegation of evidence and the suspect, aka stage two, the case of alleged molestation of MSAT from the East Java Police since Friday, July 8.

On the same day, his party immediately transferred the case to the Surabaya District Court for trial.

However, when the case will be tried, Mia admits that she is still waiting for the court schedule to be determined.

"Last Friday, we received the second phase, the same day it was handed over to the Surabaya court. We are ready to hold the trial, we are still waiting for the decision of the panel to determine the trial period, the judge has the authority to detain 30 days," he said.

In connection with this case, his party has prepared a layered article to indict the defendant. Starting from Article 285 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years, Article 289 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 9 years, and Article 294 of the Criminal Code which carries a penalty of 7 years in prison.

Mas Bechi was caught in a case after being reported to the Jombang Police on suspicion of sexual abuse in October 2019. The complainant is a woman from Central Java. Mas Bechi was later named a suspect in December 2019. However, the case that attracted public attention did not end.

The East Java Police finally took over the case and Mas Bechi was named a suspect in 2020. Disapproved, Mas Bechi submitted a pretrial to the Surabaya District Court for the determination of the suspect, but the judge refused. The case continued and investigators submitted the first phase of the dossier to the East Java High Court and it was declared complete or P21.

In January 2022, Mas Bechi was summoned by the East Java Regional Police to undergo the process of handing over the second stage of the East Java Police's investigators to the East Java District Attorney's Office. However, he was absent. The East Java Regional Police finally put himself on the wanted list (DPO) or fugitives. He finally surrendered on Thursday last week and was detained at the Medaeng Rutan.

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