JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said a number of reservoirs in Jakarta are being drained. This is in anticipation of collecting rainwater.

"It's true (reservoirs are drained), we are dredging reservoirs in Jakarta. The reservoirs in East Jakarta, South Jakarta, are already in a continuous dredging process," Anies told reporters, Wednesday, November 4.

Anies said that the heavy equipment deployed to dredge reservoirs such as excavators does not only belong to the DKI Provincial Government. DKI also received tools from various elements. "There is a supply of equipment, both from the private sector as well as BUMD and BUMN," he said.

The drainage of the reservoir is carried out by the ranks of the DKI Water Resources Service. The SDA office maximizes the use of water pumps to drain the water in the reservoir.

"So, we hope that water from the mountains that enters the city can be held first in these reservoirs and then flowed gradually because the river flows there," he said.

Not only that, Anies also said that he would increase the number of reservoirs in a number of areas. The location of the new reservoir chosen by Anies is in an area with a sunken plain.

The construction of a new reservoir, said Anies, has been carried out in West Jakarta. He said that the land in one location in West Jakarta was monitored to be sunken, then residential settlements had been built.

"Because the contours of the land are concave, then there is housing, already there, the solution is to build a reservoir. That is in West Jakarta. So, it is not because of the river flow, because of the basin, then we prepare a new reservoir," said Anies.

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