TANGERANG - Members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cisoka Police, Tangerang Police, arrested the perpetrators of motorcycle embezzlement, Thursday, July 7. Cisoka Police Chief AKP Nur Rokhman Nur Rokhman said the suspect had the initials AS (32), a resident of Bojong Nangka Village, Kelapa Dua District, Tangerang Regency.

Nur Rokhman explained that the perpetrator borrowed the victim's motorbike but the motorbike was not returned, but sold by the perpetrator.

The victim who felt aggrieved immediately reported to the Cisoka Police. The Criminal Investigation Team of the Cisoka Police conducted an investigation and observation of the area.

"After coordinating and observing the region, the Criminal Investigation Team succeeded in arresting US perpetrators at his home in Bojong Nangka Village. After being interrogated of the perpetrator, the victim's motorbike had been sold through Facebook social media to an unknown person. The motorcycle was sold at a price of Rp. 3,600,000.," explained AKP Nur Rokhman, Friday, July 8.

Nur Rokhman conveyed that the suspect and the evidence were brought to the Cisoka Police for further investigation.

"For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 378 and/or 372 of the Criminal Code regarding criminal acts of fraud and/or embezzlement with a threat of 4 years in prison," he concluded.

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