PEKANBARU - The asylum seeker from Myanmar YNM, will soon be tried at the Rokan Hilir District Court for committing immigration crimes Article 12g, Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, related to the person concerned having made a passport with a fake identity card and family card. "The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Riau through the Immigration Division coordinates with the Rokan Hilir District Attorney's Office (Rohil), the Rohil District Court and Class II Bagansiapi Prison in terms of immigration law enforcement involving one of the suspects with the initials YNM, so that they can be tried immediately," said Head of the Immigration Division Theodorus Simarmata to reporters, in Pekanbaru, Thursday, July 7. Head of the Immigration Division Theodorus Simarmata who went directly to handle this case explained that the suspect had been arrested on June 2, 2022 by Immigration officers at the counter for receiving the application file for the Indonesian Republic of Indonesia Travel Document (DPRI/passor). "We arrested the perpetrator on suspicion of being a foreigner who would make Indonesian passports. Currently, the person concerned has been detained in the Bagankapi Prison. His follow-up, our party, represented by the Head of the Class II TPI Tantapiapiapiapi, is conducting a pro-justiation process with other related parties," said Theo, representing the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Riau, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu. To avoid the rule of law enforcement and legal immune thinking against refugees in sovereign countries and as a shock therapy to other refugees, the Head of the Immigration Division coordinated the Roril District Attorney and the Roqil District Court to convey requests for support for the ongoing pro-justitia process.

"We need support in dealing with pro-justitia cases so that refugees do not arbitrarily exist in Indonesia, especially in Riau. I remind everyone to follow the applicable rules, do not make noise in this country," Theo said as quoted by Antara. Furthermore, the Head of the Immigration Division gave input to the Bagan preparediapi District Head so that during the trial process to coordinate with UNHCR, the UN organization as the person in charge of refugees from the beginning came in and out of Indonesia. He also made a visit to the Bagan preparediapi Prison to see the condition of Myanmar asylum seekers who were deposited there. For the time being, the person concerned is still undergoing an isolation period related to the applicable health protocols. "The Myanmar WN Searcher who is in prison, I ask not to be a burden to the prison and it becomes an obstacle for the Bagansiapi Immigration Office. For this reason, the right legal process needs to be carried out," said Theo.

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