JAKARTA - The charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) said that it had not been socialized with Government Regulation (PP) Number 29 of 1980 regarding the 10 percent cut in donations for operational costs. So, until now, it is still implementing a 13.7 percent cut.

"We received this general (deduction rule, ed), the letter did not mention (10 percent, ed)," said ACT President, Ibnu Khajar to reporters, Wednesday, July 6.

According to him, the regulation was only known after the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) explained the matter during a press conference some time ago.

Because they don't understand the rules for the maximum deduction limit for operations, said Ibnu, his party also asked the Ministry of Social Affairs to explain more about the government regulation.

So, there are no mistakes, including with the various sources of funds received by ACT.

"The status of the funds available to us varies. This could mean that there needs to be a better socialization of the 10 percent operational (cut, red) rules," he said.

"Perhaps we need better socialization. We are afraid that some of our community members of humanity don't know much," continued Ibnu.

Because, continued Ibnu, sources of money such as from corporate social assistance funds or CSR, cuts for operations are carried out with the agreement of various foundations that receive the assistance.

"We convey that what about CSR funds, because CSR has a commitment from the foundation, not only ACT. It could be that other institutions are also collaborating, it is agreed that CSR funds for operational companies are 15 percent or 13 percent or 17 percent as part of the program," explained Ibnu. .

Then with the withholding rules used by ACT, said Ibnu, which refers to the calculation of the shari'a of zakat management. Where the amount is 1/8 or 12.5 percent.

"Maybe next time there are several institutions that manage zakat 12.5 percent or 1/8. Several MUI fatwas are also related to zakat and are also different zakat institutions," said Ibnu.

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