MEKKAH - Pilgrims for Hajj will start moving to Arafah on Thursday (7/7) or 8 Dzulhijjah from 07.00 to 17.00 Saudi Arabian Time (WAS) to carry out the peak of the pilgrimage.

"The hajj journey starts from the maktab or hotel where the pilgrims stay, have bathed, dressed in ihram and intend to hajj, then depart from 07.00 am to Arafah," said Aswadi, Consultant for Worship Guidance for the Mecca Work Area, in Mecca, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 6.

Then the congregation occupies the tents that have been prepared and spends the night (mabit) in Arafah until the peak of Hajj 9 Dzulhijjah or Friday July 8 2022.

"The congregation reproduces remembrance, reads the Koran and various other things until at 11.00 they will be ready to take ablution, there will be a wukuf procession in Arafah, starting from the call to prayer, the wukuf sermon and the plural prayer of taqdim Dhuhur and Asr each two rak'ahs," he added.

Then read the wukuf prayer and do it in congregation and then it is recommended to do dhikr because Arafah is an efficacious time especially along with Friday which is Sayyidul Ayyam or the leader of the day, he said.

After that, the congregation begins asr gradually and departs for Muzdalifah to pick up a minimum of 49 pebbles for the initial recitation or 70 grains for the tsani recitation.

After that, they started to depart at around midnight at 23.30 WAS gradually to Mina to get late.

On 10 Dzulhijjah or 9 July 2022, the congregation who had rested in Mina, departed for Jamarat to throw the aqobah of seven pebbles after that tahallul or cut hair and returned to the tent in Mina.

On 11 Dzulhijjah or 10 July 2022, the congregation will depart again for Jamarat to throw seven pebbles each.

Then on 12 Dzulhijjah or July 11, 2022, he will go to Jamarat again to do lontar jumrah ula, wustha and aqobah. For those who are early nafar prepare to return to Mecca before sunset, while for those who are nafar tsani stay another night in Mina.

For those who are early nafar, do tawaf ifadah and sai and tahallul. Meanwhile, those who were nafar tsani on 13 Dzulhijjah or 12 July 2022 threw three jumrahs and then returned to Mecca for tawaf ifadah.

"Thus, the implementation of Hajj starting from Mecca, wukuf at Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina as well as ifadah runs in an orderly manner, God willing, mabrur," said Aswadi.

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