JAKARTA - The survey results of Multi Utama Researchindo and Kompas Research and Development show that public knowledge about digital TV broadcasting before the government stops analogue broadcasting or Analog Switch Off (ASO). namely in June-July 2021, October 2021, and March 2022. "The first finding that we can convey is that there is an increase in knowledge about digital TV broadcasts that we are introducing, namely free digital TV broadcasts," said Murdan in the webinar "Readiness Survey Community in Supporting the New Era of Digital TV Broadcasting", Wednesday, July 6. Murdan explained that in the first survey, public knowledge was still low at 22.02 percent. This figure rose to 46.1 percent in October 2021 and to 51.94 percent in March 2022. "So in our opinion, there has been a fairly consistent increase in knowledge," added Murdan. The digital broadcast was not followed by an increase in knowledge about when the government would stop broadcasting analog TV. Of the June-July 2021 survey respondents who claimed to know about digital TV broadcasting, only 13.66 percent knew about the ASO schedule. Meanwhile, in the October 2021 survey there were 27.55 percent and the March 2022 survey only 25.31 percent. However, the level of public interest in switching to free digital TV broadcasts has increased. In the June-July 2021 survey, 62.74 percent of people are interested in switching to digital TV, while in October 2021 it is 63.51 percent, and in March 2022 as many as 72.26 percent. Meanwhile, the Main Researcher for Research and Development of Kompas BE. Satrio said that his party conducted two surveys, namely in 2020 in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and in 2021 which was an independent survey.

He explained that in 2020, 80 percent or 79.8 percent of the people still use TVs with regular antennas. Then, 76 percent said they did not know or did not know that analog TV broadcasts will turn into digital TV broadcasts. "So, the homework for socialization is still very big because 3 out of 4 respondents do not know about this migration," said Satrio. , Satrio said that people's knowledge of digital TV broadcasting varies by region. People in Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, have a higher level of knowledge than other regions, with scores of 65.5 percent, 49.6 percent, and 70.2 percent, respectively. Based on the survey results, Murdan provides recommendations to broadcasters or multiplexing organizers to increase socialization shows, especially regarding the cessation of analog broadcasts at a time determined by the government, namely November 2, 2022. Broadcasting institutions must also broadcast some of their favorite shows exclusively on digital to accelerate the shift of viewers to digital broadcasts. In addition, it is also necessary to continue to make improvements related to signal or network stability and broadcast quality. "Then our recommendation to STB equipment manufacturers is the aspect of public communication. We can start with posters or standing banners in stores that invite people to immediately switch to the advantages The second is also the availability aspect," concluded Murdan.

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