JAKARTA - The Kebon Jeruk Police have arrested a female model with the initials SN in a pornography case. Based on the officer's statement, SN had an exciting scene live streaming on social media.

The white woman with blonde hair has been named a suspect. He was officially detained and wore a West Jakarta Metro Police detention t-shirt.

When escorted by officers, SN looks down while covering his face. In every live streaming broadcast that she does, SN often shows scenes that show her body openly.

The suspect SN was arrested on Jalan Kramat, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung, East Jakarta on Wednesday, June 22. SN is a model under the auspices of the agency. In his porn account, SN is named as Miranda.

Apart from arresting SN, the police also arrested a man with the initials RH on Jalan Amal Bakti, Ciputat, South Tangerang on Thursday, June 30, yesterday.

RH acts as a talent search agency. RH is also listed as a student at a university in Jakarta.

In his action, RH looks for talents or models through his Instagram account by sending a message or Direct Message (DM).

The West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pasma Royce, emphasized that the disclosure was made from the results of cyber patrols. Officers found the suspect with the initials SN, who played the role of a model or talent, showing a scene showing his body openly.

"Knowing this, the team conducts a re-investigation and deepens the identity of this perpetrator," he told reporters, Wednesday, July 6.

After sufficient evidence, the police immediately arrested the woman with the initials SN. Then officers carry out development.

Furthermore, the police again arrested a man with the initials RH. RH was arrested as an agency providing pornographic viewing on the ManggoLive platform.

"RH is a talent agency that is still a student. He is a sub-agency of a unicorn management agency that is abroad," he said.

To the police officers, the perpetrators admitted that they could make tens of millions of rupiah in profits from the pornography act.

As a result of his actions, the two suspects were charged with layers of pornography. Namely Article 29 in conjunction with article 4 paragraph 1 of the RI Law number 44 of 2008 concerning pornography, Article 36 in conjunction with Article 10 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 44 of 2008 concerning pornography and Article 45 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law no 19 2016 concerning amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.

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