JAKARTA - Britain's prime minister has suffered a crushing blow as the finance minister and the health minister, two strategic positions in his government, resign abruptly in the latest scandal to ravage the government.

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak and Health Minister Sajid Javid sent resignation letters to PM Johnson within minutes of each other, saying they could no longer continue their duties with conscience.

In exchange, PM Johnson quickly appointed former businessman and current Minister of Education, Nadhim Zahawi, as his new Finance Minister. The UK PM's Chief of Staff, Steve Barclay, has been appointed Minister of Health.

The resignation came as PM Johnson apologized for appointing an MP to a role involved in offering pastoral care to his party, even after being briefed that the politician had been the subject of a complaint about sexual misconduct.

So far, they are the only two ministers on the prime minister's main cabinet team to resign, with other senior figures expressing support for PM Johnson. Foreign Minister Liz Truss, who is considered a leading contender to replace him, said she was "100 percent behind the PM".

Four other lawmakers quit junior government roles, while the trade envoy stepped down and the deputy chair of the Conservative Party stepped down from his post on live television.

sajid javid
Sajid Javid. (Wikimedia Commons/Foreign and Commonwealth Office)

The resignation comes after months of scandal and missteps, with PM Johnson so far facing criticism for damning reports of parties at his Downing Street residence and office violating strict COVID-19 lockdowns and having him fined by police.

There have been other policy reversals, the ill-fated defense of another lawmaker violating lobbying rules and he has also come under fire for not doing enough to tackle the cost of living crisis, with many Britons struggling to cope with rising fuel and food prices.

Meanwhile, economists say the country is now headed for a sharp slowdown or possibly a recession. Both Sunak and Javid had previously publicly supported PM Johnson, but in their letter said enough was enough.

Sunak, who is reportedly at odds with the prime minister privately over spending, said: "For me to step down as Chancellor (Treasurer) while the world suffers the economic consequences of the pandemic, war in Ukraine and other serious challenges is a decision I do not take lightly."

"People should expect the government to run well, competently and seriously," he added.

"I realize this may be my last ministerial job, but I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning."

Sunak has won praise for his steady response to the economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but was badly damaged by revelations that his wife had avoided paying some taxes in the UK.

Javid said many lawmakers and the public had lost faith in PM Johnson's ability to govern in the national interest.

rishi sunak
Rishi Sunak. (Wikimedia Commons/HM Treasury)

"It is clear to me that this situation will not change under your leadership, and because of that you have also lost my confidence," the letter reads.

The resignation comes just minutes after Johnson appeared on television to apologize for appointing MP Christopher Pincher to a role involved in offering pastoral care in the Conservative Party, the latest expression of public regret for his wrongdoing.

"I apologize to everyone who was deeply affected by it," PM Johnson told the broadcaster.

"I just want to make it clear that there is no place in this government for anyone who is a predator or who abuses their position of power."

Some Conservative lawmakers are trying to renew efforts to oust him, just a month after the prime minister survived a no-confidence vote, while others previously called on his cabinet ministers to move against Johnson.

"He's done," said a previously loyal Conservative MP on condition of anonymity.

"He should not prolong his suffering. That would be disrespectful to his colleagues, his party and his country."

Another previously loyal MP agreed: "It's all over. I'd be amazed if he stayed through the summer now."

But some party veterans say PM Johnson, who his closest aides say loves the fight, can hold on and hopes to reorganize his government.

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