JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture noted that cases of foot and mouth disease (PMK) in livestock have expanded to 21 provinces and 232 regencies/cities. Whereas a few days earlier it was still happening in 19 provinces.

"The development of FMD cases in Indonesia is currently in 21 provinces and then in 232 regencies/cities and the number of infected to this day is 320,016 animals," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture Makmun at an online press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday. July 5, quoted from Antara.

A total of 108,266 animals have recovered, 2,820 animals have been conditionally slaughtered, and 2,029 animals have died. Meanwhile, there are 337,976 livestock that have been vaccinated against PMK.

Head of the Animal Quarantine Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wisnu Wasisa Putra, said that there are three islands in Indonesia that are included in the red zone, namely Java Island, Sumatra Island and Lombok Island.

The three islands are categorized as red zones because 70 percent of the area already has FMD outbreaks that infect livestock. The Ministry of Agriculture prohibits any traffic activities of vulnerable livestock or livestock products in red zone areas.

"For the red zone it is forbidden to traffic to the green island and red island. For livestock in each red zone location we will monitor it so that it does not move at all, but for sub-districts that are still free within one district or on one island it can still be trafficked ," he said.

Wisnu hopes that the handling of PMK will also receive the same attention from the wider community. In addition, the government will continue to tighten security at the gates of airports and ports throughout Indonesia.

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