MADIUN - Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit officers, East Java, carried out a reconstruction of the murder case of retired RRI Madiun employee Aris Budianto (58) by suspect NS.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Madiun City Police, AKP Tatar Hernawan, said that the reconstruction was carried out at the scene of the murder on Jalan Sentul Gang II, Banjarejo Village, Taman District, Madiun City near the victim's house.

"The NS actor played 20 scenes in the reconstruction," AKP Tatar told reporters after the reconstruction, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

He said the reconstruction was carried out so that the unlawful act could be determined based on the suspect's statement.

The murder, he said, occurred near the victim's house on Jalan Sentul Gang II when the victim was about to pray at dawn in early June 2022.

AKP Tatar said the reconstruction was in accordance with the suspect's statement, although there were some new findings which would later be added to the file. One of them is the victim who first attacked the perpetrator before being killed.

Based on the reconstruction, the perpetrator admitted that he wanted to inquire about the victim's illicit relationship with his wife. However, the victim kicked the perpetrator until the perpetrator finally fell, got angry, and finally slashed the victim to death.


"The suspect admitted what he had done. The motive was jealousy. The perpetrator was hurt by the victim because he was suspected of having a romantic relationship with the perpetrator's wife," he said.

Tatar added that the police are still hunting for three other suspects who are suspected of assisting the main perpetrators in carrying out their actions. However, the police have not found a bright spot because they only know his nickname.

"The three DPOs are still being hunted. It's a bit difficult because we only know their nicknames, not their full names. Apart from that, there are also minimal addresses," he said.

Previously, Aris Budianto (58), a resident of Jalan Sentul Gang II, Banjarejo Village, Madiun City, became a victim of a stabbing on Thursday (2/6/2022) morning.

The man, who had just retired for a day as an RRI Madiun employee as of June 1, 2022, was attacked when he was about to perform the dawn prayer at the mosque around his house.

From the autopsy results carried out by expert forensic doctors at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital, there were four wounds caused by sharp weapons, namely in the palm of the right hand, upper and lower right arm, and neck.

The victim was found by neighbors dead in a pool of blood in an alley not far from his house. The police then managed to track down the identity of the alleged perpetrator based on the crime scene, examination of witnesses, and videos from CCTV cameras.

The suspect was finally arrested by officers at his family home in Junok Village, Burneh District, Bangkalan Regency on June 8, 2022.

The reconstruction process has attracted the attention of local residents. Curious citizens watched the scene.

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