JAKARTA - A total of 6 RTs in RW 01 Cikini Sub-district compactly refused to change the name of Jalan Cikini VII to Jalan Tino Sidin.

The head of RT 01/001, Nur Zaman, representing the voices of other residents, expressed his refusal to change the name of the street. Nur Zaman said that as many as 6 RTs refused to change Jalan Cikini VII to Jalan Tino Sidin.

"The 6 RTs have written statements with signatures that we as representatives of the residents refuse, but we have not received an answer until now," he said at the Jalam Cikini VII location, Tuesday, July 5.

In addition, the Tino Sidin street sign (new change) has not been installed. According to residents' information, the new street names have not been installed as a result of residents balking at changing the street names.

"It hasn't been installed yet, because residents strongly object to the name, for example, if it remains installed, I don't know what the residents' reaction will be," he said.

Previously, it was reported that residents of RW 01 Cikini Urban Village, Menteng, Central Jakarta, strongly rejected the change in the name of Jalan Cikini VII to Jalan Tino Sidin.

According to Tuti Iriani (70), a native of the area of RT 01/01, Cikini Village, so far she has never received an invitation regarding the change of street names. He regretted the government's move to change the name of the street without the residents being invited to consult.

"I've never heard of any residents being invited, or RT as well," said Tuti to reporters, Tuesday, July 5.

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