YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government has ensured that it has studied and taken preventive measures to prevent cases of throwing or beating tourists at one of the angkringans from happening again.

"After the case became popular on social media, we immediately conducted a search at the crime scene to find the perpetrators," said the Head of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for the Management of the Yogyakarta Cultural Conservation Area, Ekwanto, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

However, continued Ekwanto, officers could not find the perpetrators of the unpleasant act that occurred on Saturday (2/7) at Jalan Margo Utomo Yogyakarta.

"We did a search along the road but couldn't find it. It's gone, but we will continue to follow up on the case," he said.

The unpleasant incident was uploaded to a Facebook group, where a female tourist was beaten by a busker because she was annoyed that she was not given money.

In an upload on social media, it is stated that a busker hit a female tourist who was eating a lesehan with a broken pedestrian block.

The uploader regretted that there were no parking attendants or security officers who secured the buskers until finally the tourists threw stones back at the buskers who then fled.

Ekwanto ensured that he would provide guidance to the buskers who carried out these actions if later found.

"If that's the behavior, we will remove him from this area," he said.

Ekwanto estimates that the buskers who carried out the violence have left the area of Jalan Margo Utomo, Yogyakarta.

As an anticipatory measure, Ekwanto asked for the support of the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP to supervise the activities of buskers in the area.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta City Mayor Sumadi admitted that he had not received any information regarding the beating case.

"I do not know. However, Yogyakarta must always be in a safe and comfortable condition, especially now that it is the 'peak season' of school holidays,” he said.

Sumadi asked the entire community and tourism businesses to maintain culture and ethics because tourism is the main economic driver in Yogyakarta by providing the best service to tourists.

As for the beating case, Sumadi said there could be indications of a criminal act so that the handling must be in synergy with law enforcement.

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