SEMARANG - A married couple who are members of the Blora Police Brigade, Etana Fani Jatnika and First Brigadier Eka Maryani, accused of corruption in the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in 2021 amounting to Rp. 3.049 billion, have promised to return the state losses due to this crime.

"We are still in the process of recovering state losses," said Bripka Etana during a trial at the Corruption Court in Semarang, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 4.

The money invested, he said, would be equivalent to Rp4 billion if it could be processed.

A similar effort was also conveyed by Brigadier Eka Maryani, which is expected to reduce the demands that will be submitted by the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, Chief Justice Rochmad, who heard the case, asked the two defendants to keep their promise.

"If you want to return it later before the prosecution. Later the prosecutor will consider reducing the state compensation money," he said.

Previously, a married couple who were members of the Blora Police Brigade, Etana Fani Jatnika and First Brigadier Eka Maryani, were charged with corruption in the PNBP deposit at the Traffic Unit of the Blora Police with a state loss of IDR 3.049 billion.

The alleged corruption that took place in 2021 was revealed when a year-end closing check was carried out in January 2022.

Allegations of corruption committed by Brigadier Eka Maryani while serving as revenue treasurer at the Blora Police began when there was a discrepancy between the billing for PNBP deposits and the funds in the escrow account.

From the investigation, it turned out that the money that should have been deposited into the state treasury was used for the personal interests of the two defendants.

The defendant Etana Fani Jatnika entered the money which was the PNBP fund into his Paypal account in several stages with varying amounts.

The money entered in the Paypal account will be deposited and is expected to get a bonus.

Based on the results of the Central Java Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) audit, state losses from the misuse of PNBP funds reached IDR 3.049 billion.

From that amount of loss, the two defendants have returned Rp1.3 billion

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