JAKARTA - Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General (Komjen) Police Boy Rafli Amar explained, apparently there were parties who tried to delegitimize the legitimate government at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This COVID-19 incident exists with the construction of narratives in order to delegitimize the legitimate government, including in Indonesia," said Komjen Boy Rafli during an online discussion entitled "Early Detection of the Mode of Development of the Radicalism Movement" which was monitored in Jakarta, Monday, July 4. from Between.

Boy said that this condition did not only occur in Indonesia but was experienced by a number of countries in the world. The extreme right and the extreme left are playing and trying to delegitimize the legitimate government.

Especially in the country, he said, the effort was carried out by trying to influence the public not to participate in vaccinations carried out by the government. The group gave rise to a narrative that the COVID-19 vaccine was made from pork oil and so on.

"So it was provoked by intolerant and radical groups," he said.

Based on United Nation data, when a country or region quarantine "lockdown" occurs, the number of internet users increases dramatically. At the same time, BNPT explained that the radicalization process was carried out through social media.

He said that of Indonesia's 273 million population, 202 million of them use the internet and 80 percent of them have social media accounts. More specifically, of the 80 percent, 60 percent are millennials and Generation Z.

"That is the target of global network terrorist groups," he explained.

The global terrorist network group, he explained, is trying to build hateful narratives against the government through social media.

Boy, who recently completed his agenda to the Netherlands and Belgium, admitted that he received information that was not much different where there were groups trying to delegitimize the legitimate government.

He said the movements or actions carried out by ISIS in a number of countries were in order to delegitimize the legitimate government.

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