JAKARTA - The news of the alleged sexual harassment experienced by JKT48 personnel reached the ears of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Although he denied that the location of the case took place in the Solo area, Gibran firmly condemned the harassment.
Who is the man in the audience whose naughty hand wants to reach the chest of one of the JKT48 personnel is not yet known. In the show when JKT48 personnel advanced to the stage, it was seen that the perpetrator's hand was about to reach the 'vital' area of JKT48 personnel.
In more detail, if you watch the video circulating, quite a lot of the audience's hands want to grab the shoulders of JKT48 personnel. Several security officers who were on the left and right seemed overwhelmed to protect the personnel from the attack of the hands.

On his @Instagram account, @gibran_rakabuming, Gibran initially straightened out the incident that did not happen at the Solo City mall but Sukoharjo.
“The Park Mall is Sukoharjo, not Solo!” wrote Gibran quoted Monday, July 4. In the upload, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also featured several news articles.
For example, from the Instagram account @lokalconnect with the news title "JKT48 Tour in Solo Smudged by Harassment Incidents on the way home." The source in this news is taken from the video view of the TikTok account. It was stated that the audience's hands were trying to grab the chest of JKT48 personnel during the Solo City tour, last June 28.
"This has come to my attention, because recently the JKT48 group was allegedly sexually harassed during a concert at a mall which, according to the title of the article, occurred in Solo,"
"But actually the incident was not at the Solo mall, but a shopping center in Sukoharjo Regency @pemkabsukoharjo. Of course, however, this act cannot be justified," explained Gibran.
Separately, Sukoharjo Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan explained that his party would investigate this case if there was a report from the victim. So far, investigators have asked for clarification from the committee and artist management on Saturday last week. The management has no problem with this.
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