MANOKWARI - The Acting Governor of West Papua, Commissioner General of Police (Ret.) Paulus Waterpauw, has encouraged changes in service patterns in the West Papuan bureaucracy by working quickly and effectively to respond to community needs.

He said that no matter how great the local government's budget expenditure realization report is, it will be of no value if it is not accompanied by field realizations that are in direct contact with the needs of the community.

"Our pride in the report (on paper) will be worth 'zero' if there is no real evidence on the ground," said Waterpauw as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 3.

According to him, the development of West Papua will be achieved if state officials are committed to work honestly and sincerely to serve the community.

"For about two years carrying out the mandate of this country, I will try to improve the government service system in West Papua Province to answer people's expectations," said Waterpauw.

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