JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary General of the PKB Syaiful Huda confirmed that his party was serious in forming a coalition with the Gerindra Party. In fact, he said that the PKB and Gerindra cooperation agreement had been socialized to cadres at the regional level after the elite meeting of the two parties on Thursday, June 30.

This was emphasized by Huda because the seriousness of the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition formed by PKB-Gerindra was doubtful. The doubts are because the coalition was not announced directly by the two general leaders.

According to Huda, the assessment arose because the union of PKB-Gerindra worried many people. The reason, he said, is that these two parties have complementary strengths. "If we look at the PKB-Gerindra they represent nationalist-religious forces, representation of voters from rural-urban circles, to representations of civil-military forces. by meeting PKB-Gerindra within the framework of a coalition, then trying to thwart it by all means," Huda told reporters on Saturday, July 2.

The chairman of Commission X of the DPR stated that PKB's political steps were in sync with Gerindra. Balanced and neither party is passionate.

"This means that it does not come out of the agreement of both parties. If it is considered too passionate, it may just be a form of expression or a way of expressing it," said Huda.

According to Huda, the public is free to give an assessment of Gerindra and PKB's steps in finalizing the coalition plan. He also admitted that he was surprised if there were parties who felt they knew more about the 'kitchen' of other parties. "Of course, as a political entity, it is impossible for us to move without careful consideration, both from an ideal and operational perspective. , but it's a bit strange because they feel they know other people's kitchens better," he said. Huda added that the seriousness of the PKB and Gerindra coalition was reflected in the statement from the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP Sufmi Dasco Ahmad. According to him, the statement illustrates that no party is too passionate and no party is flat. "So what Mr. Dasco said is true, that the Gerindra-PKB coalition's move was really taken by two parties seriously. No some are more passionate about each other because the existing agreement is based on the existing political reality," he concluded.

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