JAKARTA - All foreign ministers of G20 member countries will certainly attend the 2022 G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM) forum which is scheduled to take place in Bali on 7-8 July.

This was conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi on the sidelines accompanying President Joko Widodo on a working visit to the United Arab Emirates, Friday (1/7).

"Alhamdulillah, today we can confirm through diplomatic channels that all foreign ministers of the G20 members will be present at the meeting," said Foreign Minister Retno in a press statement quoted by Antara, Friday, July 1 evening.

Foreign Minister Retno said that her party was continuing to establish intensive consultations and communications with all G20 member countries amid the complex situation the world was currently facing.

The intensive consultation and communication efforts yielded positive results with the confirmation of the presence of all foreign ministers of G20 member countries at the 2022 G20 FMM later.

Retno expressed her appreciation for the commitment conveyed by her colleagues.

"I extend my highest appreciation to all my colleagues who have expressed their commitment to attend," he said.

According to the Foreign Minister, this commitment develops optimism that the leaders of the G20 countries can demonstrate their leadership in creating peace and humanity.

"The world situation is indeed very difficult, we need cooperation in carrying out commitments for peace and humanity. The world is waiting for the G20 leaders to show their leadership for peace, humanity and prosperity," said Foreign Minister Retno.

Indonesia as the President of the G20 is also known to have extended an invitation to Ukraine to attend the 2022 G20 FMM in Bali on 7-8 July.

However, citing the statement of the Indonesian G20 Co-Sherpa, Dian Triansyah Djani, there is no certainty about the presence of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister.

The G20 is a group of 20 of the world's largest economies consisting of Indonesia, South Africa, United States, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, France, China, Turkey. , as well as the European Union.

As President of the G20 for 2022, Indonesia held various meetings related to the three selected priority issues, namely the global health architecture, sustainable energy transition, and digital transformation.

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