KALTENG - East Kotawaringin Regent, Halikinnor, said the results of the re-selection of contract workers were announced and more than 1,000 people were declared unsuccessful.

"Information that was reported to me was that of the more than 3,500 people, there are approximately 2,500 remaining. So more than 1,000 people may not have passed the passing grade. I'm sorry," Halikinnor said in an interview after opening the Provincial Chess Championship (Kejurprov) in Sampit, Kalimantan. Central (Central Kalimantan), Friday July 1st.

Halikinnor admitted that he did not know the exact number. He did not know because he had previously formed a selection committee and submitted it completely to the selection committee.

Selection has been carried out openly. Participants' graduation refers to the threshold value or passing grade that has been determined by the committee. The results of the selection of contract workers are submitted to the respective regional apparatus organizations to be announced.

For contract workers who did not pass, Halikinnor suggested that they immediately start their own business. According to him, East Kotawaringin has abundant natural resources so there are still many business opportunities for those who have the will.

"I gave an example yesterday that a tomato farmer with a land area of only three-quarters of a hectare and a capital of Rp. 86 million earned Rp. 360 million. I also harvested catfish in a fish pond with an area of only 10 x 20 meters, the results are also extraordinary. one harvest produces around Rp. 100 million," said Halikinnor.

The re-selection of contract workers was held simultaneously on Thursday, June 23. Selection for contract staff from high school to undergraduate education is carried out through a written test, while certain positions with education below high school are carried out through interviews by the heads of the respective agencies.

Acting Head of the Personnel Agency, Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) East Kotawaringin Kamaruddin Makkalepu added, this evaluation of contract workers was carried out on all existing contract workers.

"This evaluation is fluid. To fill urgent needs, especially health workers and teachers, there is a possibility that those who meet these requirements will shift work units, including administrative staff. It is possible that there will be a shift in the place of work," said Kamaruddin Makkalepu.

Meanwhile, the sadness felt by the contract workers who did not pass the selection. They are worried about their future because of this sudden situation because their work contract just ended today.

"I don't know yet what it will be like. Hopefully there will be a way. I will try to find another job," said one of the contractors.

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