PALEMBANG - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that Indonesia is ready to launch standardization of forest and land fire management (karhutla) as a guideline for related parties.

Head of the Center for Standardization of Disaster Resilience Instruments and Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kirsfianti Linda Ginoga, said that the state needs standardization because it can be used as a reference for business actors in the plantation and forestry sectors.

This was conveyed by Kirsfianti in a discussion themed “The role of parties in supporting the application of standard forest and land fire control instruments at the site level” in Palembang, Friday July 1st.

"We will collect input from various related parties, ranging from companies, associations, academics, social institutions to the community itself," he said.

Kirsfianti explained that making this standardization will prioritize the norms that apply in society in the use and protection of the environment.

Then, the norms will narrow down into guidelines that can be accepted by all parties so that Indonesia can pursue the net zero carbon target by 2060.

But it should be underlined that this standardization requires detail and dynamics because it is in line with technological advances in efforts to handle forest and land fires in the country.

“We are very aware that it is like using drones to monitor plantation areas. It didn't exist before. To be included in standardization, of course we want to hear input from all parties, "he said.

Therefore, he does not deny that making this standardization will take a relatively long time. However, by 2022, his party targets to be able to produce general guidelines.

Meanwhile, the Head of Communication and Publication of the South Sumatra Gapki Positive Campaign, Anung Riyanta, said that actually the government has issued many regulations related to handling forest and land fires, including those regarding standardization of the provision of facilities and infrastructure, standardization of permits and others.

Based on Antara's report, in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 32 of 2016 concerning Forest Fire Control has even explained in detail the obligations of facilities and infrastructure that must be prepared by plantation and forestry business companies.

However, he agreed that standardization must be made that applies to all sectors that are dynamic or follow technological advances.

“Like in the fire tower, there were no drones in the past, but now all of them are used. If you want to include it as standardization, yes, you can, but what about other provisions, such as what is the minimum area of land,” he said.

Fire Operation Management APP Sinarmas Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Mares Prabadi added that his party is now not only completing facilities and infrastructure according to government regulations but has implemented the latest technology in handling forest and land fires.

Through the Integrated Fire Management (IFM) Strategy, APP's partner companies have now used three Fixed Wing Flying Dragon UAV drones to monitor hard-to-reach locations up to a radius of 10 kilometers from the monitoring station.

"These three drones are also flown every day like patrol helicopters but are devoted to 'covering' certain areas that are not monitored by patrol helicopters," he said.

Companies that are partners with APP Sinar Mas are required to implement an early detection strategy by utilizing a variety of resources, including satellites and Automated Weather System (AWS) equipment, fire towers, monitoring posts and tactical posts, and Fire Teams (RPK) for the land and air task force. air.

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