JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra Party faction, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, expressed his condolences for the passing of Minister for Administrative Reform (MenPAN-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo today, Friday, July 1, at 11.10 WIB.

The former Minister of Home Affairs died after undergoing intensive treatment since mid-June at the Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Jakarta.

"We express our deepest condolences for the passing of Mas Tjahjo Kumolo," Dasco told reporters, Friday, July 1.

In the memories of the daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP, Tjahjo is a good friend. Dasco admitted that he often exchanged ideas even though Tjahjo was a PDIP cadre.

"He is a friend, a good friend. Sometimes even though the party is different, we are in frequent contact, we often exchange ideas, and we feel of course also a very deep loss of his passing. And may he be quietly accepted by his side," he said. .

Dasco said that he last met Tjahjo last month at a state event. "At that time, his condition was fine. It was a physical meeting, yes. But if we made those calls, before we got sick, we still made calls," he said.

Regarding Tjahjo's illness, Dasco admitted that he did not know much. "I never asked," closed the Gerindra politician.

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